Thursday 18 March 2010

Magazine Cover

This is our final draft for our Film magazine cover. we finally decided to use the red/orange coloured background contrast rather than the black and white image. We used this because it looks more attractive and appealing. We have also decided to use the white text on the black background text boxes. This is to make the text less difficult to read.

This image above is our 3rd draft. In the image we incorporated a black and white effect, we decided to use this as it is also a striking contrast which could entice a reader and attract people to the magazine. However in our final draft we decided against using this effect as we thought that the red colouring looked appealing and makes the image stand out more. We have rearanged the subheadings on the cover page. To deal with the issue of the white bold title headings being difficult to read we have put the text in black background boxes. This allows a strong contrast of white on black which makes the text easier to read.

This is our 2nd draft for our Film magazine cover. In this image we have incorporated one of our own images into the background. I feel that the red contrast lighting effect that we have used in this image has a good effect and makes the image stand out and look appealing. This image however has some negative points. For example the white writing along the left hand side is quite difficult to read. We looked to fix this fault in our final draft.
This was our first draft for a practice magazine cover. In this magazine cover issue we used the title of our teaser trailer as the title of the magazione cover. This was just a quick draft to practice what we were going to base our magazine cover around.

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